The syndrome of temporomandibular pain is a prevalent pathology that affects 30% of the population, especially young women. It is a pathology of new classification and mismanagement and ignorance by the vast majority of the medical group, in many cases patients have passed through numerous specialists, ENT, Dentist, Neurologist, Physiotherapy, Psychiatrist, etc. Medical and surgical treatment of SDDATM. Performing arthrocentesis, arthroscopy and open surgery. INFORMATION OF INTEREST: Possibility of accessing ATM NMR diagnostic tests. Possibility of performing TMJ arthroscopy. Possibility of global and multidisciplinary approach to the patient, Rehabilitative Medicine, Physiotherapy, Psychiatry, etc. Possibility of rehabilitation with implants in partially or totally edentulous patients. Possibility of performing orthognathic surgery in patients with asymmetries or dentofacial deformities.
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