Diseases of the mouth, teeth and adjacent structures, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Dental infections: Flemones, odontogenic cellulitis, cervicofacial abscesses, dental incisions, simple exodonces, cord or wisdom tooth exodonces, quystectomies, periapical surgery and apicectomies. Granuloma excision, fibropapillomas and other soft tissue lesions. systemic diseases and precancerous lesions. INFORMATION OF INTEREST: 40% of Maxilofacial's emergencies are related to infections. Exodoncy of third molars or wisdom teeth is a routine procedure in the entire population of some European countries, it is justified by the association of the cords included with the appearance of follicular cysts and keratocysts. Likewise, there is the possibility of degeneration in carcinoma of these cysts.
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